Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fun update

We are home owners! We had our closing yesterday. It went smooth like butter & we are so excited!

We went to the house afterwards so Richie could mow the lawn. Phili was beyond excited to have a yard to run around. He put his hands over his mouth and screamed out of pure excitement. Richie looked at him and said, "This is all for you buddy!" awww so cute.

Enjoy this weather! Something about this time a year makes me so incredibly happy. I'd say I'm pretty happy throughout the year anyways but I love seeing other people outside enjoying life. Bonfires, ball games, bike rides, people being together as a family. Love it. Life is good.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Okay, so after the headache of trying to invite you all to my blog, I decided that I would just go back & edit the posts that name the town where we live since that was what I'm most concerned about! Big sorry to everyone who emailed me about getting an invite!

In other news, so much is happening in our lives right now! We are moving into our house this weekend. Very exciting! Then in two weeks, we leave for Mexico for my little brother's wedding. It will be our first family vacation ever (my family)! I can hardly wait. Phili gets to come too. I just can't imagine not being with him for a week! All the kids will be there so I'm sure he will love it.

Once we are all settled in, we are getting a puppy this summer. We still haven't decided what kind but something small. And cute. Of course. I'd like to just dog nap my brother's pug but him & his wife wouldn't allow that :)

I had an absolutely fabulous Mother's Day. We got to spend time this weekend with both our moms so that was really nice. Richie isn't usually one for buying gifts but he bought me a very sweet Willow Tree figurine of a mother & her little boy, which of course melted my heart! He even made a homemade card, not cheesy homemade, he spent a lot of time on it and it was very nice. He just made me feel really special & loved and it was a wonderful day! I had to work last year on Mother's Day so it didn't feel like anything special but this year made up for it :)

I hope you are all enjoying the weather. It is so much fun to see people outdoors being active. We probably won't have Internet for a few days during our move, but I'll update when we are all settled in!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Shocked, I'm sure

I don't think this story will suprise any of you.

I finally devoted some of Philip's naptime to making my blog private. I spent a good chunk of time setting up all the emails in my invite tool to send you. I had my msn page on one screen, my blog on the other. I had to keep hitting the back button on my msn in order to get all the emails to copy & paste. And then.....I hit the back button on my blog page on accident & just like that.....every single email address was gone.

It may be a while before I get to it again!