Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Poor excuse for a blogger

Wow-it's been 2 months since my last post!? I am not sure if anyone will still even check this but kudos to you if you do and thank you for still checking after I have so sadly neglected you for so long. I have a silly monkey boy crawling all over me but I just wanted to assure you that we're all still kicking in our house! I will leave you with a cute pic of the boys in hopes of forgiveness!?


Randi said...

i still check it Mary!

They are getting so big. cute pic!

Mary said...

Aww thank you faithful Randi! :)

Barbara said...

Me too:) It was so good to see you guys this week-end!pe

Abby said...


Me Addison And Our Boys said...

you post every couple months and i check every couple months! :) i stink at writing and reading blogs these days, oh well! btw i left a message for jessica ryther so i will let you know after i talk to her if the 23rd works out.