Thursday, April 29, 2010

A few pics

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Mom

Recently a few friends of mine were complaining about ways they were turning into their mothers. Mainly just funny things their moms did when they were kids that they swore they would never do when they became a parent. I listened quietly, nodding and politely smiling, when suddenly the conversation turned to me and I was asked if I was like my Mom.

I couldn't lie, so I answered the only way my heart knew how....."I really hope so" I said.

They seemed a little surprised by my answer...but that's because they've never met my Mom.

I don’t think there has been a word invented to describe my mom. The obvious come to mind-selfless, giving, thoughtful, helpful, wise, discerning, beautiful, kind, generous, fun, loving, etc. But none of these words do her justice.

Trying to describe my mom is like trying to describe love. So great and wonderful but you just can't put it into words.

How do you describe someone who is constantly thinking of ways to better the lives of her loved ones? Or someone who knows help is needed before it's even asked? Or someone who will put the needs of others before herself and never complain once? Or someone who seeks God every single day of her life and when that life around her becomes a storm, she stays calm and steady, hopeful and faithful?

No, there are no words to describe my mom to someone who hasn't been fortunate enough to meet her. But I have a feeling if they saw the genuineness of her smile and the kindness in her eyes; they wouldn't question my answer one bit.

I love you Mom!

Friday, April 23, 2010

This too shall pass

That is what I have been telling myself everyday for the last few weeks. We are in the thick of the outage with Richie working 72 hours a week 6 overnights/wk (He leaves around 4:30pm and gets home around 6am). I didn't realize how much I would miss him. Not just his help but actually him. Although he is very helpful with the boys when he is home. He is so good to me too, always trying to sacrifice his own sleep when he gets home in the morning so I can get some rest. We are both pretty stubborn though so that usually doesn't go as planned :)

Wesley is 7 weeks old today. He is still up every 2 hours at night but he is growing big so I know he's healthy. He's been smiling and cooing lately. It is so cute!

I think it's starting to settle in with Phili that this little dude is here to stay because his behavior has been practically unbearable to deal with lately. He started preschool for 2 and 3 year olds two mornings a week so it has been really nice to get some things done. I miss him a little bit while he's gone and that is good, I think :)

Wow, this is sounding really waa waa waa! Sorry about that. This season in our lives will be over shortly and I knew the outage would be difficult. It's just a little more lonesome than I anticipated. I will try to post a more uplifting post soon but honestly right now this is all I got. My nephew Cooper should be here very soon so that is really exciting and is keeping me going everyday! I will try and update with some photos of the boys soon.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Cutie patootie

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter! I didn't get a picture of Phili this year but here is one of Wesley. Poor little Phili has totally been on the back burner this past month. I am really needing to do something about that and SOON! He's been quite the terrorizer lately and I know he is just desperately wanting my attention.

We had a nice Easter. I went home with the boys (Richie had to work overnights all wknd). I got to celebrate my uncle's birthday, hear my sister-in-law sing in their Easter production (amazing) and celebrate Jesus with most of my family. Oh and I got to hang out with my best friend and her kids who I used to nanny for who I miss like crazy. It was a great weekend but I am so glad to be back home. There really is no place like home. Phili doesn't do well traveling so as much as I love going to my parent's house, it is always so nice to get back into a routine. Ha...who am I kidding, like we have a routine?! :)

Wesley weighs in at a whopping 13.5 pounds! He just turned one month and he has almost doubled his birth weight. He looks like a little sumo wrestler. This nursing around the clock thing is paying off :)

I am still wanting to write my birth story but please bare with me. I haven't had much time to sit down and even wrap my head around life but I will get there soon! Hope you're all doing well. Much love.