Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Was that a kick?

I am pretty sure that I have felt our baby kick a few times in the past few days. I don't know if it's too early or not. The ultrasound gave me a due date a little sooner than my ticker so maybe it's possible!?

It's fun to see what people guess on my survey. I voted boy!! We find out in 4-5 weeks.


Miss said...

how many weeks are you again? 16? I know I felt each baby after Ella MUCH earlier than I had wit her!

so, what is your new date compared to what you thought it was?

Erin C said...

I am SURE it is kicks... I felt my babies very early! Enjoy those little kicks, how exciting!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

that's wonderful! how fun. i haven't voted because i can't decide...i'm torn b.c. a boy for phili but a girl for addie! :)

Mary said...

According to the u/s, I will be 16 weeks tomorrow but according to my dates I'll be 16 wks Monday. Not much of a difference but hey, I'll take it :)

Rachel said...

4.5 weeks?!?! that's soon!!

I hope you're farther along than you thought!! I voted boy!