Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Baby Names!

I LOVE talking about baby names. Whether I am pregnant or not it is one of my favorite things to think or talk about. My sweet parents bought me a Baby Name book and I have been looking through it everyday.

I only need to look through the girl names because we have had a boy name picked out since long before I got pregnant. It is Richie's grandpa's middle name. Here are the names we like for a girl and of course I will share our boy name! We have a couple middle names picked out but I don't want to share them yet because they are all after family so if we decide not to use one I'll feel bad.

Our boy names is...

Wesley (Please remove any thoughts about icky Wes from the Bachelorette from your mind)

Some girl names we like....

Lilian (My Grandpa's mom)
Helena (A variation of Richie's Great Grandma Helen)

Lilian is up in the air as we would no doubtfully have a "Phili and Lily" which would be cute now but not when they're 16.

Our girl names could certainly change but for now, these are our favorite. I am confident that Wesley will not change. Ever since Philip was a baby we have talked about that name and now that I am pregnant we can totally see Philip having a baby brother named Wesley which makes me think we're having another boy which also makes me SUPER excited!

We picked the name Philip Russell really early in my pregnancy last time. I remember a few people saying I shouldn't share the name in case we changed our mind but I knew in my heart that we had already fallen in love with our Philip Russell.

I will be equally as thrilled if we have a girl but my mind automatically goes to having a little Wesley when I picture this baby. This could very well be because we are used to having a boy but we shall see! If you have girl name suggestions, feel free to share them! That is if you won't be using them of course :)


Erin C said...

I love the name Wesley! Good choice... also like your girl selections... good job getting together some great girl names... now is the time to start. I agree when you fall in love with a name you really like you know you wont change it... it just fits!

Miss said...

I TOO love baby names...thats what keeps getting us in trouble, we come up with a name we like and think "lets try to have a baby with THAT name!"
=) haha

you have GREAT names picked out...are you going to find out what you are having?

Rachel said...

ooh I love all of the names!!!

Randi said...

I like all the names! are you finding out?

Ryan Braley said...

I love all your names. Wesley is awesome, and the girl names are all so cute. I LOVE Lilian and had even thought about it with Addison but I laughed when you said Phili & Lily! I am SO glad you share names because I love hearing about all the names that people come up with and think about I think it's a fun process. ~Katie