Thursday, March 26, 2009

Some fun pics

All 5 kids at Sammy's birthday party (Plus Richie & Naomi)

Phili trying to look too cool for baths....

When he actuallys loves them

Two of my favorite people

Somebody doesn't like sharing Daddy.......

Happy Baby Brighton (My cousin Rachel's baby)

Philip & his Canadian girlfriend on the Amtrak

Got yerrrr ticket?


Rachel said...

oh cute!! all of them! I love phili on the amtrak! Are those the main seats or was that a lounge of some type?

The pic of phili, bright and richie is hilarious!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

Those pictures are so cute! I LOVE the two bathtub ones of Phili. He is such a beautiful (and I mean that in the most manliest way) boy! It's a compliment I always heard that about my boys! :)