Thursday, March 26, 2009

Some fun pics

All 5 kids at Sammy's birthday party (Plus Richie & Naomi)

Phili trying to look too cool for baths....

When he actuallys loves them

Two of my favorite people

Somebody doesn't like sharing Daddy.......

Happy Baby Brighton (My cousin Rachel's baby)

Philip & his Canadian girlfriend on the Amtrak

Got yerrrr ticket?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sweet, sweet love

As I mentioned earlier we've all been sick lately. Finally I decided I'd go to the dr. because I was having a really hard time breathing. Figured out what it was, Bronchitis & ear infection so I got some drugs & inhaler and I am doing good! We've all been a little tired from sleepless nights. I've mentioned before that Phili is not a cuddler but when I got home, I walked in to see this.....


We've all been sick this week. Philip has croup & I've got something of the like. Not sure what's going on with Richie but it isn't good!

There's something kind of nice about being sick. Before you think I'm crazy, let me explain. Every other ordinary, meaning non-sick day, I put a lot of pressure on myself to get different things done. If I don't do one little thing, I am full of guilt. When I am sick, I feel like I have a free pass to just cuddle with my sweet boy & not worry about anything else.

Obviously I'd prefer if none of us were sick but for now I am going to stay in my pajamas, not do my hair & watch cartoons with Phili. Actually, now that I typed that, it does sound a lot like a typical day around here, well the first two :) hehe

Monday, March 23, 2009

Our new home!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I left my camera at my parent's house (big surprise) but when I get it back, I will post about the train ride & put up photos.It's nice to be home & back in our routine of things. I sure do miss little Brighton though! The first few days after we got home, Philip would wake up asking for "baby" So cute.

A lot has been going on since we've been home. My sweet friend Esther is in the hospital doing her best to keep her twin baby girls growing inside mommy just a bit longer. She is only 23 1/2 weeks pregnant. Please pray for her & her hubby. They are two of the nicest people I know.

My nephew Sammy boy borrowed Philip a bunch of his trains, which if you know Sam, it's a huge sacrifice. Needless to say, I can finally get some stuff done while Philip's awake because he's pretty much mesmerized by the trains.

On a different note, we are putting an offer in on a house Saturday. It's in a nice little neighborhood here in town and it has everything we hoped for. We are going to get a dog once we are settled in!

In case you are wondering about my new photo, my cousin Rachel took pictures of us while we were in Chicago. She did awesome! She is very gifted. I love ALL of them, but here are some of my favorites.

Friday, March 13, 2009

We're back!

We are back & we had a wonderful time with my cousin & her adorable son. The train was amazing. I will post more about it later but first I am heading home to celebrate my wonderful nephew Sammy boy's 5th birthday. I love this kid so much!!

Just a quick story about Sam.
A few months ago, him & Richie were arguing over a saying in a cartoon. They bet 25 cents on who was right. Richie forgot all about it until Sam came to him recently and said, "Richie, you know what I realized....I was wrong, you're right it does say.......whatever it says in the cartoon. What five year old does that!!!??? He captured my heart the day he was born & I love him more & more each year. Happy Birthday buddy!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Gone for a while!

I'm heading out tomorrow morning to go back home & work at the salon for the weekend and then Sunday night, me & Phili are off to Chicago with Rachel & Brighton! Wish me luck as I'll be traveling home with him alone on the Amtrak train for 6 hours. If you have any suggestions on how to keep him busy, I'd love to hear them! Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My handsome little Phili Pie

I gave Phili his first haircut today! His mullet was becoming unruly. He sat pretty well. He looks so much older! Here is a before & after....

Monday, March 2, 2009

I surrender all......

I love this song. It echos my recent prayers practically word for word. God is so good and I love Him so much.