Monday, May 5, 2008

The heart of a 3 year old

These are just parts of different conversations I had with Liam today....

Liam: Mawwy?

Me: Yes Liam?

Liam: I am going to get you a new butt for Christmas.

Me: How come?

Liam: Because your butt is too big and bouncy!

Me: You crack me up

Liam: Huh? I crack you up? Where does it hurt?

Me: No, I mean you're funny, you make me laugh

Liam: I know...God made me to be funny because it makes other people happy.

Me: Excuse me ( I burped)

Liam: Your manners are beautiful. It makes me so happy when you use them.

Later on in the day...

Liam: Thank you Mawwy

Me: Aww, your manners are beautiful too

Liam: manners are handsome

I can't make this stuff up people, it's all true!

How could I not love my job!?


momof3 said...

awww he is sweet isn't he? He's the sweetest and funniest boy I've ever met and I've taught hundreds. I'm not being subjective at all;)

Purty Pat said...

So cute! I love how he says your name. What a sweet little guy. Also, he's fortunate to have you for a nanny three days a week.

Bridgit said...

Very very funny!