Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Philip's Baptism

Philip is getting baptized at Central Lutheran Church on Tuesday, June 3 at 7:00pm. We'll have cake afterward at the park next to the church. I don't expect you all to come but I know some of you are in the area, so I just wanted to let you know! Let me know if you're interested so we can plan accordingly for the cake. Thanks!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Suppose I should update =0

Not too much is new here. I have been really busy at the salon which is nice. I'm even starting to enjoy updos! This Wednesday will be my last day of nannying for the school year because Julie is a teacher. I'll be picking up more hours at Simonson's. Richie started at Cargill today, so I'm hoping that went well. Phili is crazy, cute and so much fun. He says Dada & Papa now. He giggles really hard when I say Papa & when we play peek-a-boo. I wish he was a cuddler but not so much! He sleeps really well for us at night and he's a pretty good napper too. I think he's a really good kid but every mom probably says that =) He is so much fun. It's hard to have a hard day with him around.

We've been dog sitting for my in-laws this past week and even though I like the dog, I've realized that I am not ready for one just yet. Philip likes having her around. When Libby barks at him, he barks back at her which is really funny.

Mitch got married one year ago today. I can't believe how much time flies. It was also a year ago this week that I found out I was carrying a baby boy inside of me. My mom was with me at the ultrasound when I found out it was a boy. Richie had to work so my mom and I went to Target after the appt. to buy him blue stuff as a gift to reveal that it was a boy. I felt like I was on cloud 9 walking through Target. I have never been so happy in my life and I have never been the same since. I thank God everyday for that precious little boy I get to call my son.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Love for my family

I have been reading my families blogs this past hour or so and I am so overwhelmed with the love I have for each of you (that includes all of you who have not entered the blogging world). You have all touched my life in unique and wonderful ways. I wish I could spend so much more time with each of you. Thank you all for strengthening my Faith, thank you for your unending support and encouragement, for your advice and your love. I am so incredibly blessed to have each of you in my life. Just when I start to backtrack in my walk with God, I see glimpes of Him in each of you and I am pulled closer and closer to Him. I thank God for you all. I love you all more than your precious hearts could imagine.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Mother's Day, Mom

My cousin asked us to tell a story that best represents who our mom is. Here is what I wrote. It's not exactly a story but oh well :)

My mom is the most selfless person I know. She would do anything for anyone. She is always thinking of things to do for other people. You don't even have a chance to ask her for help when you need it, she already knows it's needed. The condition of my mom's feet tell a lot about her. They are in pain. Not because she was an all-star athlete but because she sacrificed her own needs for us. She would always buy herself cheap, uncomfortable shoes just so she could buy us kids something nice. She sacrificed many things growing up to give us kids the best life she could. When I was 19 and didn't have a car, she would drive me 45 minutes to college two nights a week and just wait for hours until I got out of class. Even if she didn't have errands to do, she would just sit in her car and read. She never complained once. When most kids were embarrassed to be seen with their parents in high school, I waved my friends down because I knew they would be delighted to see my mom. I wasn't always an easy kid but my mom has never shown me anything but forgiveness and grace. She is a true example of Christ's love. My mom is full of love, wisdsom & compassion and I am so blessed to call her Mom.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

He did it...

Richie bought me a mouthguard. He is really serious about making me wear it at night. My teeth grinding doesn't bother me because I don't wake up to it but it does wake him up. Should I be a caring wife and wear it at night? I'm not so sure!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Vote for Missy!

Okay, I'm sure all 5 of you who read my blog have voted already but just in case there is someone who hasn't, my cousin is in a photo contest. For more info, click on the link below and please vote for her! Her photo is Bill, Miss and brood.

Monday, May 5, 2008

The heart of a 3 year old

These are just parts of different conversations I had with Liam today....

Liam: Mawwy?

Me: Yes Liam?

Liam: I am going to get you a new butt for Christmas.

Me: How come?

Liam: Because your butt is too big and bouncy!

Me: You crack me up

Liam: Huh? I crack you up? Where does it hurt?

Me: No, I mean you're funny, you make me laugh

Liam: I know...God made me to be funny because it makes other people happy.

Me: Excuse me ( I burped)

Liam: Your manners are beautiful. It makes me so happy when you use them.

Later on in the day...

Liam: Thank you Mawwy

Me: Aww, your manners are beautiful too

Liam: manners are handsome

I can't make this stuff up people, it's all true!

How could I not love my job!?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Richie got the job :)

He will be a Quality Control Chemist at Cargill in Elk River. I don't know exactly what that means but he'll be working with animal nutrition which is right up his alley. He is very excited. Thanks for all the prayers!