Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Wow....I am almost ashamed to even blog, it has been so long! Life is good. It is really good. I am very happy to be home with the boys and am honestly trying to cherish these days because as every old woman in the grocery store checkout line tells me....they go by so fast!

We have been very busy in the Lockwood home chasing Wesley around and making sure he doesn't destroy anything too valuable. The kid is busy! He is so much fun though and so incredibly happy. He can frustrate the heck out of me and make me laugh hysterically all in a matter of seconds.

Phili is coming around to him. It was a struggle for a while every time Wesley was, well, in the same room as him. Lego tower? Knocked over. Coloring? Crayons eaten. Puzzles? Hurricane. Books? Ripped. You get the point ;)

Oh! And we added to our family last weekend by getting a dog. I went to the Farmer's Market to get some Gluten Free bread and came home with a dog. And the bread. But most importantly-the dog. The Humane Society had a special event going on and the minute I saw "Lucky" I was in love. Seriously. I don't even recognize this person typing. I am not a dog lover. I love my brother's dogs and that's about it. It sounds cheesy but the minute I laid eyes on him, I knew he had to be a part of our clan. Ha. That is super cheesy! He is a mutt. An "All-American" dog if you ask Phili. They think he has a lot of rat terrier in him. He's very sweet, timid, cuddly. We let Phili name him. Richie & I love the name Jethro for a dog but something about a 10 pound mutt just doesn't scream Jethro. So we tried to talk Phili into Jett. But, being the avid Beatles fan that he is, he named him after his favorite Beatles song-Jude.

I have been working very pt at the Y with kid's since August, not sure if I have blogged about that...ha, probably not since I've only blogged once since then! I enjoy working in the Kid's gym with kids ages 3-7. Phili gets to come to work with me and it's really fun to see him interact with kids. He's at a really fun age right now. Just when I thought I was going to rip my hair out, he turned three and his behavior became so much better. He is like a mini Richie. He loves animals, nature, planets, books, and most importantly, Jesus! He loves to talk about Jesus and it warms my heart. I could write a book about all the funny things that come out of his mouth but I will save that for another time. You know, in like 4 months ;)

I recently finished a training program called "Couch to 5K". It's a 9 week running program which consists of running 3 times a week for people that aren't runners but aspire to be. I can't say I love running while I'm running, but I love it afterwards! I liked it enough to start another program to train for a 10k so I'm training for that right now. My good friend and I are going to split a half marathon this summer. Maybe next year, I'll do the whole half....we'll see!

Richie still likes his job and enjoys being challenged and is learning a lot. In my eyes, he is the bast dad in the world and I am so proud that he's ours ;)

Wow, this is starting to sound like a Christmas letter, so I deem it appropriate to end it with well wishes that this blog post finds you all well and healthy! Haha.....

Here are a few photos. Auntie Abby snapped a photo of Wesley taking some of his first steps. He is all walker now. Oh boy! Enjoy.