Monday, June 29, 2009

Poor Phili

Philip has had a cough the last week or two but it's only been at night and he hasn't showed any other symptoms so we've just been waiting to see if it gets better. It hasn't. Late yesterday afternoon he felt really warm after his nap so I took his temp. It was 100 so I gave him some ibuprofen. We waited to see if it brought his body temp down but it didn't, it got worse.

Last night we took it again and it was 105. We rushed him out the door to the ER. They checked his heart rate and the alarm started going off showing a cause for concern. I guess it's common for the heart rate to be up when there is a fever but I didn't know that so I sat in complete fear & worry.

It turns out he has Pneumonia & an ear infection. He wasn't dehydrated so he was able to come home with a really strong antibiotic. He was such a little trooper. He's been really lethargic all day & just wants to cuddle. He's taking a nap right now. Really hoping he gets better soon.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


It's been a fun & busy summer. We've been busy unpacking and settling in since returning from Mexico. We've had a lot of company & a lot of help (especially from my mom). It's been really fun. We are so blessed!

Richie continues to enjoy his job. He is still in training at Xcel & he loves the challenges of learning new things.

I have been wanting to work PT for a while now so I starting applying for jobs last week. A few different factors played into this decision. The main reasons are that I would really like Philip to go to a daycare to have a chance to interact with others & I would really like to get out of the house & have a little of my own income.

I've been hired at a Medical Spa in the St. James Hotel. I started training this week. I'll mainly be doing front desk, consultations & setting up payment plans. I will only work a couple days a week and some weekends which I think is perfect. We'll see! Philip will be going to a Church Daycare those two days. I am really hoping it will be a good fit for all involved. I will keep you posted!

I hope you're all enjoying your summer. We had my brother's wedding reception last night. It was such a wonderful night. I'm sure you all know that my 3 brothers all married cousins. Last night was a really special night to have both sides of the family come together again. It was a great bunch of people!

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Toddler's Creed

This is so perfectly fitting for this stage in Phili's life!

If I want it, it's mine.
If I give it to you and change my mind later, it's mine.
If I can take it away from you, it's mine.
If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
If it's mine, it will never belong to anybody else, no matter what.
If we are building something together, all the pieces are mine.
If it looks just like mine, it is mine.

Composed by T. Berry Brazelton

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The gorgeous couple!

Friday, June 5, 2009


We're settling into our new home & had a great time in Mexico. What a busy couple of weeks, but all fun so I can't complain! I will post pictures soon. I am not going to say I lost my camera attachment. It is just...ahem....missing. I will find it in some random place like I always do.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful. It was such a blessing to have all of our family down there together. Phili loved the ocean, not so much the plane. I have zero desire to ever take him on a plane again! He turned into that kid on the plane & screamed his head off for about half an hour. It was my worst nightmare leading up to the trip. I have so much more sympathy for mom's of screaming kids than I did before. Especially before I had kids, I could never figure out how a mom couldn't get her kid to stop screaming, I get it now!

Phili continues to be fun & crazy. Some days I laugh at him all day while other days he just makes me want to cry or scream or both. He has quite the personality in that little body of his. Everyone says that he's just a boy or that he's just a one year old but that doesn't satisfy me. I need him to be calm & patient, is that too much to ask!? :) Kidding.

I'll post pictures of Mexico soon. Putter & Lindsey looked absoultely stunning!