Friday, February 27, 2009

Light at the end of the tunnel!

I found this post from the beginning of summer last year. I thought I'd post it again to remind us all of some of the good things we have to look forward to! Feel free to post some of your favorites too :)
These are a few of my favorite things about this time of year....

*Stays light out longer

*Hearing birds chirp

*Kids playing outside

*People going for walks, bike rides, etc.

*Not having to bundle up Phili


*Grilling food

*Outdoor sporting events

*Not having to wear socks (flip flops)

*Being on the lake

*People golfing

*Construction being done & knowing a lot of laid off people have work for the summer

*Being at my parent's house

*The smell of fresh cut grass

*Feeling the warmth of the sun when I get in my car

*All of the beautiful flowers outside

*Garage sales

*Graduation parties, weddings, etc.

*Lilac bushes ( My favorite!)

I took this picture on a warm May day back when Richie & I moved into our 2nd apartment (it was right across the hall from our 1st one but had 2 bedrooms hehe). It was such a wonderful day. Spring time to me represents hope & good things to come. I can't wait!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Treats for Mommy's heart

The other night at dinner, as I was getting plates prepared, Richie & Philip took a seat at the table. I heard Richie go "Awwwww", clearly happy about something. I looked over and couldn't have been more proud when I saw Philip had bowed his head & reached out to hold Richie's hand, patiently waiting for Daddy to pray.

Richie is truly such a wonderful Dad. When he is with Philip, nothing in the room besides Philip gets his attention. He won't turn on the tv, read, go online, or do anything else that doesn't involve Philip. He is always thinking of fun things to do with him & always involves him in whatever he is doing.

At one point when Richie & I were engaged, he said that he would be happy just being the "fun uncle" and never having kids of our own. Little did he know that his best little buddy was just a few years away....

Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm not a very good blogger

Sorry for the lack of posts. I really don't know what to write about! We love living here. We found a Church yesterday that we really like. My aunt & uncle & their kids used to go there when they lived here. The minute we walked in, everyone was very warm & welcoming. I'm excited to go back again. They also have a Beth Moore Bible study that I'm hoping to join when it starts up again.

We had a fun filled weekend. We took Philip to a story telling Saturday morning at a really neat bookstore downtown, then I watched Richie & him ice skate. It was so cute! Yesterday we took him swimming at the Y. That kid is not afraid of anything. He wanted to swim by himself in the pool. In the deep end. I don't think so buddy. He loves having all of this family time together. It has been so nice having normal weekends again. I feel like a regular person =)

This move has been wonderful for us in so many ways. We have a nice routine of going to the Y on weeknights. Philip gets to play with other kids while we get to work out. Richie is getting home cooked meals every night which wasn't the case when I was working FT. It's hard to fully enjoy everything right now, knowing others are hurting & deeply affected by the economy. At least now I have more free time to pray for everyone and I truly do think it will get better......I have to stay positive.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

If you want to see what's inside my heart

It's my Dad, who I love so much.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The many faces of Philip

He was in trouble....

He wouldn't eat lunch without wearing his shades

You can't tell in the picture, but he is making my dad slap his butt :)

This is the Thomas toy that my parent's gave him for Christmas. He is so excited, he doesn't know what to do with himself!