Thursday, June 26, 2008


The following poem is from a weekly email our Pastor sends out. It brought me to tears. I hope you will find it as beautiful as I do. The picture is from google image. I've never googled Heaven before. There are some gorgous photos.

Corrie Ten Boom penned these words;

“When I enter that beautiful city above
And the saints all around me appear,
I hope that somebody will tell me;
Hey, it’s you that invited me here.”

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Since I created this blog to talk about Phili, I thought I would give an update on him =)

I am very excited to say that he has started to say "Mama!" The first time I got him to say it, I kept saying Mama and he sat and studied my lips for a little while and then said...."Mum." It was so sweet.

He has 3 teeth now, two on the bottom and one on top. He has started crawling, pulling himself up on furniture and taking steps with the help of me or Richie.

He loooooves seeing family & friends, ecspecially little kids. He always has a big smile for them. He is at such a fun age right now. I hope you're all enjoying this nice weather!

Friday, June 13, 2008


If you or anyone you know would like a haircolor/cosmetic makeover, please let me know. It will be Tuesday, June 24 from 3-5pm at the Plymouth Simonson's. You won't have to do anything drastic for your current haircolor, just something different than you currently have. It may even be just shifting the tone you currently have on your hair. i.e, if you have dark hair, we may add more warmth to it, or add some highlights, etc...The class is to help us identify what colors look best with your skin tone. You will learn free makeup tips from our amazing cosmetics director. Best of all, it will be FREE!
Here is a little info about Leeanne, the cosmetics director, from the Simonson's website. It really is a wonderful opportunity to get lessons from her!

Leeanne has been with Simonson's Salon & Day Spa as the Cosmetic Educator since February, 2005. She has been in the beauty industry for over 25 years, as a Cosmetologist, Esthetician, and Cosmetology Instructor; including 15 years with Estee Lauder at Saks Fifth Avenue and EL National Makeup Artist for Marshall Field's Midwest Region.From the classroom to the salon floor Leeanne mentors our aestheticians and stylists with her creative ways to bring service to another level by evolving their roles as "problem solvers" and perfect their skills as "makeup artists" with our Jane Iredale Mineral Cosmetics. Leeanne believes that being an effective listener, asking the right questions and truly understanding their guests' needs is vital to a satisfying experience for both.Leeanne has built her career on helping women to discover their own personal style through the art of makeup by designing a look that will enhance and complement both their facial features as well as their lifestyle. Her philosophy on cosmetics is that not just about the new trends in makeup, but how that look can be adapted to each woman's individuality. Leanne is available by appointment for makeup lessons and applications at all four Simonson's locations on a rotating basis.Leeanne's flair for creativity has transcended beyond cosmetics and given her the opportunity to take on an added role as Simonson's Sales & Events Coordinator. In her position she coordinates all of Simonson's charitable donations, events and new corporate gifting program. Leeanne is very excited about the prospect of developing new programs that will benefit the community at large as Simonson's continues to evolve.

Monday, June 9, 2008

A few things

For those of you who are faithful blog readers of mine, I did get the $51.00 reimursed for those 3 payphone calls! Also, Richie is really enjoying his new job. He loves the people he works with. I think it's a really good fit for him.

Phili is starting to wean himself from breastfeeding. He was only nursing in the morning for that last month or so but now it's hard to even get him to do that. I should have figured he'd be the one calling the shots. He is quite the big shot afterall! It is really hard for me. I had an emotional breakdown last night. I'm not sure if hormones are involved when you stop brestfeeding or if it's just a sad realization that he's growing sooo fast. He's starting to do the army crawl now and loves to pull himself up in his crib and on furniture. He is at such a fun age.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Some recent pictures

For those of you we haven't seen in a while, here are some recent pictures =)

This time of year....

These are a few of my favorite things about this time of year....

*Stays light out longer
*Hearing birds chirp
*Kids playing outside
*People going for walks, bike rides, etc.
*Not having to bundle up Phili
*Grilling food
*Outdoor sporting events
*Not having to wear socks (flip flops)
*Being on the lake
*People golfing
*Construction being done & knowing a lot of laid off people have work for the summer
*Being at my parent's house
*The smell of fresh cut grass
*Feeling the warmth of the sun when I get in my car
*All of the beautiful flowers outside
*Garage sales
*Graduation parties, weddings, etc.
*Lilac bushes ( My favorite!)

Feel free to post yours!